Frequently Asked Questions

Am I Ready to Be a Homeowner?

Aspiring homeowners should take time to prepare both themselves and their finances for the process of buying a home. Contact us to learn more about our pre-purchase counseling services.

Is Renting or Buying Better?

There are compelling pros and cons for both renting and buying, and what’s right for any individual depends on their unique situation. Just because renting is cheaper in the short term doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider buying a home, though leaping into a mortgage isn’t always the right move either.

What Do I Look for in Homes?

Before buying a house, you should look out for various warning signs. As someone who has purchase or sold multiple homes. 

What Should I Expect at Closing?

If you’re a first-time home seller, the closing process may seem overwhelming. You just want to sell your home quickly, but there’s a long list of steps to take (and expenses to incur) before the deal is official.

What Is Pre-approval?

Preapproval is the process of determining how much money you can borrow to buy a home. To preapprove you, lenders look at your income, assets and credit score to determine what loans you could be approved for, how much you can borrow and what your interest rate might be.

Can I Ask You for Advice?

YES. I am always happy to give good sound advice about buying or selling real estate. 

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